

New Building Procedure

In ship classification, our qualified surveyors perform the examination and approval of plans, specification and calculations. Shipboard systems and machineries are diligently inspected at various construction stages to ensure that they are constructed according to our Rules and Regulations which are constantly updated in accordance with international best practices.

Type acceptance and individual tests are performed on materials, machinery, systems, devices and products at the manufacturers’ and shipyards’ premises to ensure that they comply with the applicable technical requirements. At times, it involves approvals for manufacturing and welding procedures, and the qualification for welders and non-destructive test operators.

Performance trials for ships on the whole, propulsion and auxiliary machinery, essential on-board systems and of any other installations are first done at moorings, followed by sea trials when construction and fitting of the ship in the yard is completed. Upon favorable outcomes of all ascertainment performed during supervision, Certificate of Class with our relevant class notations shall be awarded. This attests that FSClass considers the ship to be reliable and is in compliance with national and international standards.

Ship Classed After Construction

In this case, the class of the ship is assigned upon a preliminary review of the documentation and subsequent satisfactory completion of the surveys.

The extent and scope of the admission to the class survey is not less than required at the class renewal survey of a ship in the same age and type in addition, all other periodical surveys are performed together with those inspections which are linked to specific service notations and/or additional class notations and/or special installations the ship is provided with.

The documentation review covers general arrangement, capacity plan, loading conditions, calculations of still water bending moments, stability information of hull structures, machinery and electrical installations. FSClass may accept alternative technical data in lieu of specific terms not available at the time of the transfer of class. Upon final confirmation after the relevant surveys and plan approvals, the ship will be awarded a certificate of class and notations to indicate that vessel has fully complied with FSClass Rules and Regulations.